I’m honored to have been invited to perform at David Harvey’s monthly Singer/Songwriter Showcase evening at the Coffee Gallery Backstage. This will be the first time showcasing original tunes in Los Angeles, so it’s very exciting.
The Coffee Gallery Backstage have music most nights of the week and David hosts his singer/songwriter night just once a month.
It’s a very warm and friendly environment behind the Coffee Gallery, hence the name Backstage I guess. You can buy refreshments at the Cafe, then bring them out the back. It’s a cozy space, so be sure to get there in plenty of time to pick your seat.
I’m also incredibly grateful to Al Garcia, who will be accompanying me on guitar. Al is one of those musicians who can pick up any instrument and after 6 months sounds like he’s been playing all his life. Al has an extensive and diverse musical background including jazz, rock and fusion. He also writes very elegant arrangements.
We’ll be doing two sets. Come for one or both.
Hope you can join us. Feel free to message me directly.
Thursday, July 28th., 7PM
The Coffee Gallery Backstage
2029 N. Lake Ave.
Altadena, CA 91001
$10 cover at the door (cash) – All Ages – No Reservations
With warm thanks,