Wishing everyone a happy new lunar year of the tiger 2022!
Over the holidays I had a regular Holiday Jazz series at the Old Town Newhall Farmers Market in Newhall. We also performed at the Beverly Hills market. They were morning performances, so not for the feint at heart and not traditionally what you might call jazz hours.
Despite the early starts, it was a lovely experience and something very different from being inside a club. With all the fear around people’s health, the outdoor live music experience seems to make people feel more comfortable and ‘safe’.
We appreciated the support of the markets and for them including live music as part of their program to give back to their vendors and patrons. For me, it was a lovely way to celebrate the holiday season and play some holiday swing.
I’m looking forward to continuing to play live music in 2022.
We have a few projects on the go and will be sharing more about these soon.
In the meantime, wishing everyone the best for 2022.